Voice picking system
Le ‘ voice picking est un système de guidage du préparateur de commandes par la voix. La préparation de commandes vocale est arrivée il y . Le voice picking est un système permettant la préparation de commandes guidée par reconnaissance vocale.
Voir une vidéo publicitaire sur le voice picking). Auchan et Système U équipés pour plus de productivité. Voice-directed warehousing (VDW) refers to the use of the voice direction and speech.
By freeing a worker’s hands and eyes, voice directed systems typically improve.
Whilst VDW was originally used in picking orders, now all warehouse . BCP’s Accord Voice WMS is a fully voice enabled Warehouse Management System, proven to slash total. Picking vocal pour la préparation dans l’entrepôt. L’architecture de l’application permet de venir intégrer, dans le système . Voice picking and other voice-directed warehouse solutions are proven to dramatically increase accuracy and productivity in your DC at relatively low cost.
Voice picking systems are a flexible choice for order fulfillment. Operators interact wirelessly through a headset in real time with the host computer or WMS. Voice picking systems are designed to service fast-medium and medium-slow full case and split case products, making them a flexible choice for order fulfillment .