Bagger 293 accident

The Bagger 2is a giant bucket-wheel excavator built in Germany in 1995. Bagger 2- the biggest bucket wheel excavator in the worl The strong. Heavy Equipment Excavator Accidents Caught On Tape.

Heavy Equipment Accidents Caught On Tape, Horrible. La Bagger 2est une excavatrice à godets géante allemande, qui fut longtemps le plus grand véhicule sur chenilles du monde avant d’être détrôné de peu par les Bagger 2et Bagger 293. Bagger 2(Excavator 288), built by the German company Krupp for the energy and mining.

In 199 it was itself superseded by the slightly heavier Bagger 2(12tons). NASA’s Crawler-Transporter still remains the largest self-powered . The Bagger 2is a giant bucket-wheel excavator built in Germany in 19The WorlD’s Biggest Land Vehicle. SUPER MACHINES: THE LARGEST PLANET EXCAVATOR – BAGGER 293.

Top heavy equipment accidents caught on tape most horrible excavator truck . Top truck accidents compilation, world largest tru.